Jammie Thomas Rasset The jury in the latest evidence of illegal file sharing Jammie Thomas Rasset awarded the plantiffs, the RIAA (the organization that represents the largest recording companies in the U.S.) to $ 1.5 million. This is the third time that jurors gave awards to the RIAA in this case. The first statement was $ 222,000, the second of 1.92 million and 1.5 million today. Every time the RIAA has offered to settle for $ 25,000 and an admission of guilt. Each time he refused.
Rasset Thomas said he was not the person who illegally share music, and later admitted the evidence destroyed. He tried several times to blame others for theft, but ultimately the evidence was overwhelming that it was the culprit. After being convicted, instead of taking responsibility for his actions, has consistently sought to appear as a victim in this trial, even to open a website to sell thongs, T-shirts and sweatshirts Shirts, the benefits of going to support his defense fund.
This test is not really about this, though. It is whether justice is done, if a mother of four who earns less than $ 40,000 per year may be liable for $ 1.5 million to two discs worth of songs on Kazaa, even when the lawyers from recording industry recognize that the only people who can prove download these songs are their own researchers.

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